Small Business Support
Request Support
SIMBA helps independent and local Eastern Washington businesses and entrepreneurs with all their business needs.
Since 2020, SIMBA had provided 1:1 business support and group trainings to over 900 Eastern Washington businesses thanks in part to a variety of grants and contracts, as well as direct donations. At least 80% of those businesses have been BIPOC-, women-, veteran-, LGBTQIA2S+, and immigrant/refugee owned. All of them have been independent and local small business owners just like you, living and working in Spokane and Eastern Washington.
Our talented Business Assistance team is available to you navigate all of your needs from startup to stay up. Let us help you with the business of running a business.
Our Business Support team is available to help business owners navigate through their business from start-up to stay-up, including, but not limited to, the following topics:
Raising Capital, Financing, and Grant and Loan Applications
Bookkeeping Basics
Tracking Expenses & Deductions
State Regulatory Filings, including B&O and Sales Tax
Payroll Filings and Management
Digital Marketing
Social Media Management
Website Maintenance and Building
Business Licensing & Insurance
Understanding Contracts
Lease Agreements
Sales Agreements
Employee Records
LLC Setups & Trade Name Registrations
Food Industry Permitting and Specialty Licensing
And more!
Please complete the above-intake form to request business assistance. You will hear from a SIMBA staff member within 3 business days of completing your form to schedule your initial consultation! You are not limited to one consultation.
Questions? Comments? Need further assistance?
Email us at: info@spokaneindependent.org